Your Leadership Coach

Leaders who lead leaders



Leading Leaders


To promote your growth in leadership by empowering you to empower others.



In a rapidly changing environment the ability to lead effectively is dependant on your leadership agility. That is the ability to lead leaders effectively.

It requires a process of using enhanced awareness and intentionality to increase effectiveness under real-time conditions: stepping back from whatever one is focused on, gaining a broader perspective and bringing new insight into what needs to be done next.


We start by assessing your leadership agility through a Leadership Agility 360. The 360 is based on the in-depth research found in the book Leadership Agility. This Harvard based research shines a light on a central question what does the effective leading of leaders look like in new era of unprecedented turbulence and complexity?

What is Leadership Agility?

In a broad sense, leadership agility is the ability to take wise and effective action amid complex, rapidly changing conditions. As you develop new levels of agility, you become more far-sighted, more effective at collaborating, more creative, and more proficient in learning from you experience, more able to lead leaders.


The Leadership Agility 360 assesses your level of agility within three specific “action arenas.”

  • Leading organisational change: taking initiatives to improve an organisation and its key relationships

  • Improving team performance: taking initiatives to improve a team and its key relationships

  • Engaging in pivotal conversations: person-to-person discussions with important outcomes at stake

Having examined the results we will put together a Leadership Development Planner that helps you translate your feedback into a specific action plan, and then apply it to your real-time leadership initiatives.


Roger Bray has 35 years of experience in leadership and can help you assess your situation and work out how to improve your skills, knowledge and motivation. As coach he can also enable you to take the necessary steps to accomplish what it means to become an agile leader.